Genre: Thriller/Suspense
Original Title: Le siège
Year: 2017
Original Version: French
Duration: 6 x 45′
Subtitled in: English
The Siege
Cole Creek has been rocked by an earthquake. A man-made eruption. The plastics factory, the town’s sole industry, is shutting down. A thousand jobs will be lost and the entire town itself might disappear. Canadian Smiths-Thompson, which owns the plant, adds insult to injury when it asks its employees for an additional month of work, time to dismantle and transfer all their equipment to the new factory out west. Led by the moderate union leader MARIO CORMIER, the workers decide to stage a symbolic strike for a day. No one is expecting real change… Until ALEXIS GODIN’s gang takes advantage of the protest to invade the bosses’ offices, bringing a bag of guns with them. What was initially only intended to be a small-scale protest suddenly turns into a violent hostage situation. But instead of letting the police take care of Godin, Cormier decides, for reasons unknown, to stay in harm’s way at the factory. This ignites a dramatic power struggle between Cormier and Godin, which reopens unhealed wounds from the past for two determined men and their followers…
Director: Jim Donovan
Writer: Pierre-Marc Drouin
Cast: Gilles Renaud, Alexandre Goyette
Production: Phare-Est Media / Attraction Images