Genre: Drama, Crime
Original Title: Bonanno: A Godfather’s Story
Year: 1999
Original Version: English
Duration: 6 x 50′
Dubbed in: French
Bonanno: A Godfather’s Story
From his birth in the Sicilian coastal village of Castellamare, to his arrival in New York at the age of 19, through to his meteoric rise to Godfather status at the age of 27, from his surprising move to Tucson in the late 40’s, we are given privileged access to someone who was there through it all, not as witness, but as participant…
Director: Michel Poulette
Writer: Thomas Michael Donnelly
Cast: Martin Landau, Edward James Olmos, Bruce Ramsay, Tony Nardi, Costas Mandylor
Producer: Kevin Tierney
Executive Producers: Bill Bonanno, Dan Paulson
Director of photography: Serge Ladouceur
Art Director: Guy Lalande
Costume: Mario D’avignon
Editor: Denis Papillon
Music: Richard Gregoire