Genre: Family
Original Title: Supermarsu #1
Year: 2018
Original Version: Finnish
Duration: 96′
Subtitled in: English
Super Furball
One day, Emilia’s guinea pig bites her finger. She gets an ability to transform into furry superhero, who can fly and solve problems
with her superpowers. At the same time, the herrings in the nearby Baltic Sea bay are screaming for help. As the superhero, Emilia
takes on to salvage the situation and finds ways to be more courageous in her own life.
Director: Joona Tena
Writers: Paula Noronen, Joona Tena
Cast: Ella Jäppinen, Viljami Lahti, Essi Hellén, Eero Ritala
Producers: Marko Talli, Anni Pänkäälä
Director of photography: Jani Kumpulainen
Composer: Panu Aaltio