Genre: Famille, Adventure
Titre original: Ostwind : Aris Ankunft
Année : 2019
Version originale: Allemagne
Durée: 100′
Sous-titres: Anglais
Windstorm : Ari’s Arrival
Windstorm and Mika belong together, no matter how many oceans separate them. In their newest adventure this magical connection is curse and blessing at the same time and their destiny is hanging by a thread. Until the arrival of Ari, an impulsive 12-year-old girl, who alongside them, has to master big tasks on an adventurous journey.
Réalisateur: Theresa von Eltz
Auteure: Lea Schmidbauer
Producteurs: Ewa Karlstrom, Andreas Ulmke-Smeaton
Directeur de la photographie: Florian Emmerich
Hanna Binke, Luna Paiano, Marvin Linke, Amber Bongard