Genre: Family Collection
Original Title: Opération Beurre de Pinottes
Year: 1985
Original Version: French, English
Duration: 90′
The Peanut Butter Solution
A hair-raising comedy of magical proportions! 11 year-old-hero Michael enters a supposedly haunted house and gets so scared that he faints and loses all his hair! He receives a secret recipe from ghosts to help his hair grow back but astonishing results occur after he mixes up the ingredients…
Director: Michael Rubbo
Writers: Vojtech Jasný, Andrée Pelletier, Louise Pelletier, Michael Rubbo
Cast: Matthew MacKay, Siluk Saysanasy, Alison Podbrey
Producers: Rock Demers, Nicole Robert
Director of photography: Thomas Vámos
Art Director: Vianney Gauthier
Editor: Jean-Guy Montpetit
Music: Lewis Furey