Genre: Drama, Thriller, Suspense
Original Title: Bumperkleef
Year: 2019
Country of Origin: Netherlands
Duration: 85′
Subtitled in:
A family’s road trip ends in a mad run for their lives. When you tailgate, brace for impact.
Hans looks like a control freak, but is actually a very vulnerable guy. Under the pressure of his domineering mum to get home on time, he drives his family of four on the highway in a reckless way. His arrogance rubs another driver in a white van the wrong way and this man will stop at nothing to revenge.
Director: Lodewijk Crijns
Writers: Lodewijk Crijns
Cast: Jerden Spitzenberger, Anniek Pheifer, Willem de Wolf
Producers: Laurette Schillings & Frans van Gestel & Arnold Heslenfeld
Director of photography: Bert Pot