Genre: Family Collection
Original Title: Mozart in China
Year: 2008
Original Version: German
Duration: 90′
Subtitled in: English
Subtitled in: Spanish
Mozart in China
Danny’s young Chinese Austrian friend invites him to spend their summer vacation at his grandfather’s house in China. Mozart, a theater marionette, comes alive that night and hides in Danny’s suitcase. With the help of his granddaughter Lin Lin, Grandfather restores his shadow theater. A friendship develops between Danny and Lin Lin, and Mozart falls in love with the beautiful shadow princess marionette. When the loan shark comes knocking at Grandfather’s door, the kids have to find a solution to keep the theater intact. The colorful shadow puppets come to life in the shadow theater only…
Director: Bernd Neuburger
Writer: Nadja Seelich
Cast: Kaspar Simonischek, Marco Yuan, Mingmei Quan, Peter Simonischek, Brigitte Karner, Maria Hofstätter, Xueli Yuan, Ming Huang
Producer: Extrafilme – Bernd Neuburger
Director of photography: Thomas Mauch
Editor: Eliska Stibrova
Music: Zdenek Merta