Genre: Family Collection, Fantasy
Original Title: 12 mesyatsev. Novaya skazka
Year: 2015
Original Version: Russian
Duration: 85′
Subtitled in: English
12 Months: A New Fairy Tale
The year is drawing to a close when young girl Lisa arrives with her family to spend the holidays at an old castle, when, whoops… she suddenly finds herself back in a magical land where the King’s evil adviser has just decided to cancel the New Year’s celebration! The only way for this decree to be remanded – and for Lisa to return to her parents – is for her to produce a bouquet of snowdrops, a flower that only blooms in Spring. But it is only December, and time is running out! Based on the famous Russian fairy tale, 12 Months.
Director: Denis Eleonsky
Writer: Denis Eleonskiy
Main Cast: Olga Naletova, Ilya Butkovskiy, Marina Ivanova, Nikita Morozov, Denis Eliseev, Dmitriy Gogu, Denis Yasik, Valeriy Tolkov, Natalya Eleonskaya
Producers: Boris Cherdabaev, Andrey Sigle, Aliya Uvalzhanova
Directors of Photography: Igor Klebanov, Bagir Rafiev, Igor Votintsev
Editors: Kseniya Eberveyn, Aleksandr Golovko, Mariya Manenkova
Production Designer: Mariya Morozova
Music: Andrey Sigle