Genre: Family Collection, Drama
Original Title: Kule Kidz Grater Ikke
Year: 2014
Original Version: Norwegian
Duration: 103′
Subtitled in: English
Kick It!
Kick it! Tells the story of Anja, a spirited young girl who loves soccer, even when her classmate Jonas thinks soccer is not for girls. Anja uses her humor to deal with Jonas’ bullying, not knowing that behind his hostility hides a boy who is in love with her. When Anja is diagnosed with leukemia, she remains optimistic and full of energy. She even continues interfering with the school soccer tournament while she is in hospital. When Anja is no longer able to participate in the tournament, Jonas comes up with a really special plan.
Director: Katarina Launing
Writer: Linda May Kallestein
Cast: Mia Helene Solberg Brekke, Victor Papadopoulos Jacobsen, Sigrid Welde, Ulrik William Græsli, Elias Skotland Gusevik, Kristin Zachariassen, Jeppe Beck Laursen, Astrid Assefa
Producers: Tanya Badendyck, Silje Hopland Eik
Delegate Producers: Lina Pedersen, György Sánta
Director of photography: Linus Eklund
Costume: Ilja Magga
Sets: Mónika Esztán
Sound: Espen Rønning, Ken Skoglund
Editor: Vidar Flataukan
Music: Magnus Beite | Mathias Nille Nilsson