Genre: Drama
Original Title: Wo men lia
Year: 2005
Original Version: Mandarin
Duration: 84′
Subtitled in: English
You and Me
Largely based on writer/director’s own experiences. Winner of Best Director and Best Actress at China’s most prestigious Golden Rooster Awards. Winner of Best Actress at Tokyo International Film Festival. Opening film of 14plus at Berlinale 2006. ‘You and Me’ features two feisty women, one in her 80s and the other a young and fresh university student. The unlikely couple who happen to share a Beijing courtyard find themselves at constant loggerheads, over the course of 4 seasons, before gradually becoming interested in each other’s lives and building an emotional bond.
Director: Liwen MA
Cast: Yaqin JIN, Zhe GONG
Producer: Han SANPING